Film Pendek / Short Movie The Incredible TODY - Story of A Nerd

Film Pendek / Short Movie The Incredible TODY - Story of A Nerd
Film Pendek / Short Movie The Incredible TODY - Story of A Nerd
Indonesian ver:
Tody adalah anak yang culun sehingga kerap kali menjadi korban bully oleh teman-temannya di sekolah. Suatu hari ia bertemu sosok misterius yang memberikan gelas ajaib. Jika Tody meminum air dari gelas itu dihadapan seseorang, maka apa yang ia inginkan dari orang itu akan terwujud.

NB: Sangat direkomendasikan untuk memakai headphones, earphones, ataupun speaker.
Jika kalian suka filmnya, tolong di share ya ke teman-teman kalian juga. Dan jangan lupa subscribe ya. Terima kasih :)

English ver:
Tody is a nerd boy which is usually get bullied by his friends at school. One day, he meet a mysterious woman whose give a magical glass to him. If he drink water from this glass in front of someone, his wish for that person will be granted.

Subtitle: English

Note: It's recommended to wear your headphones or speaker.
If you guys like this short movie, please share to your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Thank you :)
Subtitle: English


Ini adalah video re-upload yang sebelumnya ada 21 tipe. 
Karena saya rasa kepanjangan makannya dipangkas jadi 16 tipe saja biar teman-teman juga gak bosen liatnya.

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She Didn't Eat for Two Days HAHAHA LOG.

Oh ma lord, my friend look so hungry hahaha #peace
Maybe she didn't eat anything for two days.

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New Year LOG. 2017

Happy New Year 2017!
This video was made by Asus Zenfone 2 and take place in Medan, Indonesia.
I don't know what kind of my video, maybe it is vlog but without my face on it hahaha.

Music produced by Chuki.

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Reverse Attack is a thriller and action short movie. 
No budget for this movie/film, sorry if the quality isn't good on you. 
This project was made by Cucu Opung group at computer class.

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